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Tagged-Things about my husband

I have been tagged by Ashly to say a few things about Nate.

1. What is his name? Nathan Larry Breinholt
2. How long have you been together? Since Jan. 10th, 2003
3. How long did you date? From Jan. 10th 03- June 27th 03
4. Who eats more? Nate
5. Who said I love you first? Nate did but then I did right after.
6. Who sings better? Neither of us. We sing in church but we aren't entering any competitions any time soon.
7. Who is taller? Nate
8. Who is smarter? Nate is. He is a whiz at Math and a really really fast reader. I try harder at school so I get better grades but that doesn't mean that I'm smarter, Nate just didn't care to get the straight A.
9.Who does the laundry? I do
10. Who pays the bills? I use to, then we did it together, Now Nate does it all by himself and does a much better job and we don't fight.

Now, I challenge Lacey C., Deidra, Jenny S., and my mom to write 10 things about either their husbands or themselves that I wouldn't know.


LACEY said…
Thanks for the challenge,it was fun.It was good to learn some more things about you and Nate.By the way I like what you did to your blog!

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