So from left to right in the picture it is: Peach jam, nectarine jam, spegetti sauce, Peaches, Applesauce and then corn. I have canned all this this fall. I even did strawberry jam and raspberry jam earlier in the year and also froze Tomatoes for soups. This fall has been so great to us. We were able to get ahold of FREE corn, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines and then I had a garden with peas, green beans, and zucchini. It has been a great learning experience. I dare jar anything. Give it to me and I will do it. I am going to make salsa tomorrow and later this week when the pears are rip I will attempt them. It hopefully will pay off and give us some good food storage.
So from left to right in the picture it is: Peach jam, nectarine jam, spegetti sauce, Peaches, Applesauce and then corn. I have canned all this this fall. I even did strawberry jam and raspberry jam earlier in the year and also froze Tomatoes for soups. This fall has been so great to us. We were able to get ahold of FREE corn, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines and then I had a garden with peas, green beans, and zucchini. It has been a great learning experience. I dare jar anything. Give it to me and I will do it. I am going to make salsa tomorrow and later this week when the pears are rip I will attempt them. It hopefully will pay off and give us some good food storage.